Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run

Join us on 11/15/2025

Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run Race Description

16th Annual Miles for Meals 5K Run/5K Walk/Kids 1K Run

Sponsorship opportunities HERE

This event will be held at Water’s Edge Park. The 5K race is an officially certified course (Certification # TX22054LAB) by USA Track & Field. Official times are recognized and can be forwarded for ranking purposes.  Awards Ceremony will be held immediately following the event.

 Packet Pick-up & Registration

 ·        Pre-race day packet pick-up including registration numbers, disposable time chip, and race information will be available on Friday, November 14, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Coastal Bend Food Bank location, 5442 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, TX 78405            
·        Race day packet pick-up from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Water’s Edge Park in Corpus Christi.

 Race Details

 Saturday, November 15, 2025

·        4:50 p.m.          Registration Closes

·        5:00 p.m.          Kids 1K Starts

·        5:30 p.m.          5K Run Starts

·        5:40 p.m.          5K Walk Starts

Event Fee: (per person).  Must register by November 1, 2025 to be guaranteed a t-shirt.

 ·        Kids 1K Run

o   Child 8 years and under

Ø  $5 until Thursday, November 13

Ø  $10 at Packet Pickup on Friday, November 14

            and on Race Day, Saturday, November 15

·        Kids 1K Run with T-shirt

o   Child 8 years and under

Ø  $15 until Saturday, November 1

·        5K Run or Walk

o   Adult 19 years and over:

Ø  $35 until Sunday, November 2

Ø  $40 from Monday, November 3 to Thursday, November 13

Ø  $45 at Packet Pickup on Friday, November 14

and on Race Day, Saturday, November 15

o   Youth 5-18 years

Ø  $20 until Sunday, November 2

Ø  $25 from Monday, November 3 to Thursday, November 13

Ø  $30 at Packet Pickup on Friday, November 14

      and on Race Day, Saturday, November 15

·        Fee non-refundable    


 1st Place Male and Female for the following categories

·        Overall
·        Overall Master (40-49)
·        Overall Grand Masters (60+)

1st, 2nd, 3rd Places for the following age groups for both Male and Female:

·        Y1 (6 to 9) 
·        Y2 (10 to 14)
·        Y3 (15 to 18)
·        A1 (19 to 29)
·        A2 (30 to 39)
·        A3 (40 to 49)
·        A4 (50 to 59)
·        A5 (60 to 69)
·        A6 (70+)

 Mail your registration form to:         Or Fax it to:        

 Coastal Bend Food Bank                   361-887-3504

16th Annual Miles for Meals                          

Attn:  Martha Cabrera

5442 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, TX 78405 

Or Register Online:

Get ready for the Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-11-15 17:00:00 2025-11-15 17:00:00 America/Chicago Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run Corpus Christi, TX Martha Cabrera

    Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run Where & When

  • Location: Corpus Christi, TX 78401
  • Race Date: 2025/11/15 05:00:00 PM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • 5K Run (19 years & older)
    • 1K Kids Run (No Shirt)
    • 5K Run (5-18 years)
    • 5K Walk (19 years & older)
    • 5K Walk (5-18 years)
    • 1K Kids Run (With Shirt)

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Corpus Christi, TX Weather

Corpus Christi, TX current weather
  • Clouds 78.2℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run in November for a great race. The Miles for Meals 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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